

"Wealth Concentration in the USA using an expanded measure of net worth," with Lindsay Jacobs, Kevin Moore, Jeffrey Thompson, and Alice Henriques Volz, Oxford Economic Papers, 2022. Link.

Media:  Wall Street Journal 

"Education Debt Owed by Older Families in the 2016 Survey of Consumer Finances," with Jesse Bricker and Alice Henriques Volz, FEDS Notes, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 2018. Link.

"A Wealthless Recovery? Asset Ownership and the Uneven Recovery from the Great Recession," with Lisa Dettling and Joanne Hsu, FEDS Notes, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, 2018. Link.

Media: Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Fortune, Star Tribune, Pacific Standard

Working Papers

Job Market Paper: "Unemployment Insurance Policy: The Impact of Required Reemployment Service and Eligibility Assessment Programs on Worker Outcomes" Link

"Unemployment Insurance Generosity and Post-Unemployment Job Quality and Occupational Distance"

"Wealth Distribution and Retirement Preparation Among Early Savers," with Lindsay Jacobs, Kevin Moore, Jeffrey Thompson, and Alice Henriques Volz, Finance and Economics Discussion Series, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System, Link 1. Also available in the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Research Department Working Paper Series: Link 2 .

Work in Progress

"Unemployment Insurance Eligibility Imputation and Take-up Rates" with Jeffrey Smith

“Do the Rich Save More? Answering an Old Question with Alternate Measures of Earnings and Wealth” with Jeffrey Thompson and Alice Henriques Volz

“Equity in Access to Unemployment Compensation in Wisconsin" with Jeffrey Smith and Institute for Research on Poverty